

This is what we wrote today in class (August 31) and it is a VERY rough draft, unedited, so there will be mistakes in it. A few people brought cameras and photos back, so we’re on the way to completing our photo essay!

We’re rolling along with our photo essay. Today we broke into small groups and discussed various topics that we’ll write about in the photo essay: housing, transportation, clothes, music, things that are really important about our culture. Robbie and Marissa brought photos that they’d taken, so we’re really on the way! Hayley is taking more photos, and three more cameras were passed out. Next week, cameras are due, so if you have one, please be sure you take your photos and return the camera! We also had an email from Moses, our contact at Roots & Shoots, and he’ll be returning to the Mkyunu School soon.

We had a noisy but productive meeting today at Summit. Disposable cameras were passed out, and people committed to taking photos of various topics for our photo essay to send to Tanzania. We also received an email from Moses, our Roots & Shoots liaison, who is currently working in the same city where Dr. Jane Goodall did her research, and he’ll be returning in about a month to resume work with the Roots & Shoots students at the MKUYUNI school. 

Assignments for the summit groups (so far): Hayley: culture and stuff we do for fun ; Ernesto: technology ;  Ryan:  houses, where people live  ; Lucy: sports ; Jessica: food and religions ; Forrest: clothing ; James: history ; Robbie: geography, trees, nature; Abby: plants, nature; Lucas: transportation IF POSSIBLE, BRING YOUR DISPOSABLE CAMERAS (FULL OF GREAT PICTURES) TO CHURCH NEXT WEEK OR THE WEEK AFTER THAT.) Digital pictures from your own cameras can also be used. 

More to come! If I left anyone out of the list because I didn’t remember what you wanted to do, let me know and I’ll fix it.


We'll be pen pals with kids like these!

We'll be pen pals with kids like these!

Today was our first meeting to really talk about the Talking to Tanzania project. We had a group of enthusiastic Roots & Shoots kids who were really excited about getting disposible cameras to document various aspects of life in the US, specifically East County San Diego and Summit. Nick Orr is creating a comic that will go in our photo essay book,  to show kids in Tanzania some of the recreational and creative things we do here. Topics like transportation, technology (some great ideas by Ernesto!), music (Taylor!), transportation (Lucas!) plants and wild places (Abigail!) and culture and places for recreation (Hayley!) were only some of the great ideas tossed around in our meeting today.


A typical small village in Tanzania

A typical small village in Tanzania

Hi all! This is the webpage for Summit UU Roots & Shoots, specifically for charting progress onour study of Tanzania. We are privileged to be matched as Pen Pals with a group of students from Tanzania, and we’re in the process of creating a photo essay project (with drawings and writings as well) to give our Tanzanian pen pals some insight into what life is like here in the US, and specifically at Summit. 


Keep checking back to watch our progress.